The threat of Marine Litter and Microplastics
In our laboratory, one of our research objectives is to determine, quantify the sources and fate of anthropogenic litter in the marine environment, with particular attention to plastic debris and its ecological implications for organisms dwelling in deep-sea habitats.
Marine Animal Forests
identify ecological processes occurring in coral forests dwelling in the deep sea that drive the distribution of species;

Patterns and Threats
We still have only a very limited understanding of Antarctica.
Answering questions about this secluded environment is essential for understanding the changing world we're living in.

Alessandro Cau
I am a Marine Ecologist based in Sardinia (Italy), currently working at Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Biology, University of Cagliari.
Contact Me
Thanks for your interest in my research. Get in touch with any questions or comments regarding my work and publications.
Via Tommaso Fiorelli, 1
09126 Cagliari CA
(+39) 070 675 6626